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Features Entertainment and Lifestyle with an edge!

Features Radio Show is a podcast program that is part of the Blog Talk Radio Network. Features, hosted by best selling, celebrity author Tilly Rivers. Features is on average downloaded and listen to about of 40,000 times for each program and counting.
June 27 2008

Vacation Day- Features willnot be broadcasting this Friday June 27 2008- be sure to find out who the exciting guest line up is in July!
Event in July

The Johnson Chung Trio (jazz & jazz fusion), is giving a free outdoor concert on Saturday, July 5, from 2 PM - 5 PM.The event takes place in the Village of Yorkville Park on Cumberland St., between Avenue Rd. and Bellair.

The band features Randall Johnson Chung on guitar, Dave Patel on drums, and Michael Cybulskie on bass.