JULY 2010

Hwy 403 & Lincoln M. Alexander Pkwy-14 Martindale Cres.
Meadowlands Power Centre-Ancaster, ON, L9K1J9

Date of visit: June, 3 2010.

I was talked into going to the Lone Star with two male companions; I know…I know…a vegetarian at a grill house…go figure-but I have discovered that getting between some men and meat is like standing between a pregnant lady and the washroom…it-isn’t-pretty!

I shrugged my shoulders and thought- WTF- they can have their meat, and I will drink beer- after all I wasn’t expecting to actually be able to order anything off the menu, and every once in awhile it is good just to let the guys have their way--right?

True to form the guys gave the hostess and server the gears right from the beginning, when the hostess asked if it was a table for three, one of the guys chirped up and said they would make it four if she could get his buddy a date- the ‘buddy’ then looked over the saddle sitting in the lobby up front and wanted to get on- the hostess took it all in good humour and showed us to a table. POINT.

Table- no booth, booths and big guys just did not mix one of the guys told her. We did not wait long before the server- nick name “Dixie” was ready to take our order for drinks. We all ordered beer, different of course, mine was a Corona, and the guys picked Keith’s, one white, one red. “keep it coming” one of the males told her, “when it gets to here” he placed his finger on the glass indicating where, “Bring another.” Smart girl Dixie, she asked if those instructions where for just him, or everyone, he said for the table. POINT!

So, low and behold to my surprise they had a veggie fajita. Nice, I get to eat after all. POINT! One of the guys ordered “Bubba’s Smoked Brisket” Sandwich. “Are the fries wedge cut?” he asked, answer, regular fries. He ordered them anyway and a Cesar salad- I mean come on, he was dining with a veg-head after all. And my other guest? Shrimp and Chicken fajita.

One of the guys ‘had-to’ tell Dixie a joke, clean of course, you know the kind, the groaners where you roll your eyes in the back of your head. Dixie smiled and listened. She was GREAT actually, took the guys bad humour with style and fun. 2 POINTS!

And the food? Good sized portions {I took a doggie bag home}- reasonably priced, and we all agreed it was-not great, but not awful either. I give it 3 POINTS (Out of a possible 5). The guys enjoyed their meals, and we all enjoyed the ambience. As for the beers? They didn’t ‘really’ keep ‘em coming--we did have to drive after all!

As always, I checked out the bathroom. You can tell a lot about a place by the washroom they keep. It was clean and well kept. 2 POINTS!

All in all- I would recommend the Lone Star in Ancaster for a fun night out.

Service and Hostess: 5 out of 5 points.
Food: 3 out of 5 points.
Washroom and general atmosphere : 4 out of 5 points.
SCORE: 12 out of a possible 15