2008 Sexiest Radio Voice Award Winner: Tilly Rivers

Rivers does it again!

Journalist; Tom Fellows

NY-Tilly Rivers, celebrity, best selling author of erotic prose Salacious and Wisteria Moon, was recently dubbed with the; "2007-08 Sexiest Radio Voice Award” for her new internet radio programs "Features,” and “Let’s Talk About It.”

Over the few short months that “Features” has been broadcasted it has not only been requested to be increased (Starting this month you will be able to listen in Tuesday and Friday nights),but her listeners have increased each week- making “Features” one of the quickest growing radio / podcasts.

This should not be a surprise, her celebrity status and loyal fan following can not seem to get enough of this blonde. Her popularity continues to grow leaps and bounds. Not only is Rivers planning on a tour for her upcoming release “Forbidden Fruit” but she is also busy as Food Critic and Entertainment Editor for IRM Magazine.

Maud Rivers, Founder and owner of the Magazine, and no- not a relative, has reported that the ‘hits’ for the E-Zine of Immediate Release Media have tripled since bringing Tilly on board. “I can’t be happier” she reports, The award ceremony was held in NY City- in which Tilly sent her regrets for not being able to attend, a dear friend accepted the award in her absence.

Hugh Reilly of thatradio.com, first put Tilly on the air, with her program called "Let's Talk About It." While co-owner of the radio station Randy Thomas showed her the ropes.
"Hugh would say I have the sexiest voice" Tilly said, "I guess he was right!"


For more information about "Features" visit http://featuresradio.blogspot.com