Rumored to have been Cleopatra’s Secret List of Aphrodisiac Essential Oils and Absolutes
- Your chance to win a complete listing of Aphrodisiac Essential Oils and Absolutes that according to the rumors was kept under lock and key from the goddess of seductiveness herself- Cleopatra.
How: Listen to tomorrow nights Broadcast of Features- as I talk about the power of essential oils as aphrodisiacs....11 PM EST!

Her roarers careseed the water with oard of silver, which dipped in time to the music of the flute, accompanied by pipes and lutes...Instead of a crew the barge was lined with the most beautiful of her waiting women attired as Nereids and Graces, some at the rudders, others at the tackles of the sails, and all the while an indescribably rich perfume, exhaled from immeasurable censors, was wafted from the vessel to the river banks.
PLUTARCH, from eyewitness accounts of Cleopatra's arrival into Tarus