Upcoming Interview: July 29 2008
Midnight EST

Join Tilly Rivers on Tuesday July 29 2008 as she interviews Kara Elsberry- muti venue artist and writer. Kara will be joining Tilly at 12:10 AM- EST. ( Midnight)


Kara Elsberry was born in Youngstown, OH in the late seventies. She has always found sanctuary in her art and has been drawing since she could pick up a crayon. In Kindergarten, when the class was asked to draw a picture of themselves, most of the other kids came up with stick figures. While the other kids were impatiently waiting for her to finish, Kara was painstakingly adding all the little details to her portrait; a pretty dress, shiny shoes, and a big beautiful bow in her bright red hair.

Throughout her school years Kara always excelled in art and took many independent courses outside of her regular classes. She graduated in ’97 and went on to college to study many courses in traditional and digital art, and even a few animation and 3d courses (she has a secret love of video and pc games…Shhh! Don’t tell!)

After many years of struggling with various jobs including one where she had to sell framed artwork door to door in subzero weather, she finally decided to set out on her own to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time artist. She designs everything from logos and T-Shirts, to business cards and book covers. Her favorite? The book covers by far!! Anything from children’s to romance and erotica, books are definitely the love of her artistic life.

Today, she has 2 beautiful children; Karessa 12 and Kyle 8 and lives in a small town in South Dakota where she runs her own successful freelance design business. She has won many artistic awards; most recently the 1st place Graphic Design award winner of the year and she has won several awards for best cover of the year.

If one were to search for Kara, all they would have to do is look in her office to see her working on her computer and digital art tablet, fiercely focused on her work at any and all hours of the day. (No peaking, that’s her pet peeve!!) J As often as she can, she escapes to her books (she has walls of them!) and other times she can be found in her garden with her children, planting yet another new specimen that she has discovered.

Among her artistic inspirations (other than her family and friends of course!) are Boris Vallejo, Clive Barker (yes, the author!), DaVinci, Dali, Luis Royo, Brian Froud…the list could go on and on! As for everyday inspiration, she says nature and fantasy inspire her the most. The exploration of dreams, the beauty of youth and innocence, mystery, the ‘unknown’, perseverance, stubbornness, magic, eroticism, sensuality…shall we continue? J

Kara is always looking for the next new and exciting adventure in life. She grew up with a family who adores books and thus has a very open minded and vivid imagination. She reads and daydreams of fairies and dragons, witches and vampires… without them all it would be a dull world indeed.

To view samples of Kara’s work- please visit: http://kara.mosaicglobe.com