DIY- on a budget


Project: Build a Patio Box

This project has been brought to you by: Goellner, member of

Things You'll Need:

1. scrap wood

2. scrap screws

3. some left over paints from friends

4. some free soil

5. saw to cut the wood

What To Do:

The first thing to do is to gather the supplies. I got my free scrap wood from a construction site down the street from me. I simply asked to dig around in the scrap pile and take a few pieces. I found two pieces 24 in. long and two more 10 in. long. (I took my measuring tape with me, by finding the sizing I needed no sawing was needed!) Then I found one long piece for the bottom.

Next I asked the same construction workers if they had about 20 screws to spare and they gladly handed me about 30. I asked to use their power screw driver, and quickly build the box right in from of them. All for free with no tools of my own. They thought this was a fun thing to see.
I took it home with me and found some left over paints that I had used with the kids. They helped paint the garden box and used their finger prints to create the watermelon look. Still all for free.

Then I went out to a nice spot in forest with lots of free compost under some trees, I filled up a trash bag with some of this compost and mixed it with some soil from my yard. Free organic gardening soil. I planted a few seeds and I had a beautiful garden in about a week, eating the veggies in about 60 days.

As seen in the April Issue of MSM
Copyright © Main Street Magazine
Canadian ISSN: 1920-4299

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