Fun and Funky Spring
Spring fashion trends for 2010 are extremely diverse and a lot of fun, From the return of funky and flirty tie-dye-there's sure to be some spring 2010 fashion trends here that every girl can pull off:
Customize Your Flip Flops -Use super glue to add items to the straps of flip flops. You could glue on unusual items like matchbook covers from spots your visited on the last vacation, or symbols like peace signs, hearts, and skulls. Use your creativity; there are unlimited ways to make flip flops a funky fashion statement with a tube of superglue and fun items of your choice

Tie-Dye – A sure to be favourite spring fashion trend of 2010 has to be the return of a grown-up version of tie-dye. Gone are the tattered T-shirts of the 60's, replaced by flirty cocktail dresses and chic tunics. Tie-dye will become an art form as one of the biggest spring fashion trends of 2010, with designers turning it from a flower child arts-and-crafts project into a very wearable print suitable for dressier styles. And expect this to be one of the 2010 fashion trends that last well into the summer.
Ripped and torn denim – Just when you were going to throw out those torn jeans! Super short hot pants and boy shorts isn't for everyone, so if you can't pull off showing this much leg, ripped and torn denim jeans are a great way to show a little leg and get some ventilation on hotter days that you don't feel like wearing shorts. This is one of the hot fashion trends of spring 2010 that any girl can pull off, as you can look for the right style of ripped and torn jeans that suits you- skinny jeans, high-waisted jeans, dark jeans, etc.
Warrior Look: Interesting spring fashion trend, one that would really make you stand out fro
m the crowd, and you could have fun with. Think ancient warrior by wearing shirts with metallic details, like chain-mail inspired beading. You could don belts and corsets with metallic details to create a warrior-style look, or go really over-the-top by looking for tops with metal plating or faux metal plating. You might also find necklaces that resemble chain mail, or metallic cuff bracelets with an armor-like look. This is one of the 2010 spring fashion trends that will likely be a hit with celebrities, and it really makes me think "Rihanna". Plus those gladiator sandals in your closet from last year will come in handy!
So from ultra-feminine styles to retro looks and even some styles that will make you look like you're battle-ready, whatever your tastes in fashion may be, there's sure to be some spring 2010 fashion trends here that will help you do a little spring closet cleaning and have your wardrobe looking as fresh and diverse as all the new flowers outside.
Louise Kana
As seen in the April Issue of MSM
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