10 Things You Should Always Bring on a Camping Trip

Even if you have been camping for several years, sometimes you still forget to bring that one thing you knew you should have brought to make the camping trip perfect. And for those of you, who have never been on a camping trip, take a look at these ten things that you should not forget to bring. These items will guarantee that you will have a great time on your camping trip. What I mean by camping is real honest camping with a tent, campfire, and where the bathroom is in the woods!

Item #1:

Toilet Paper:

This would really be bad if you forgot this item, especially if you are camping the way camping is supposed to be. You don't want to end up using leaves that you have no idea what else has been on those leaves. So, don't forget to bring toilet paper so you can wipe after you go to the bathroom in the woods.

Item #2:

Matches or a Lighter:

If you are camping as a real camper would camp, then this is an absolute necessity. Since you do all your cooking on the campfire and if it's cold out, it's pretty much your source of heat, you will need something to start the fire with. A lighter is probably better because it lasts longer, but it's good to have matches too in case the lighter doesn't work. Better yet, bring a few of both just to be safe.

Item #3:

A Flashlight:

You never know when you will need a flashlight during a camping trip. It can be used for recreational purposes or in case you lose someone and you need to go out and find them. It has many other purposes as well, like when you have to get up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom, when you have to go look for wood for the campfire, and for many other reasons as well. Bring 10 Things You Should Always Bring on a Camping Trip

A flashlight for each person if you can.

Item #4:


You might need batteries for a few different reasons. Maybe you have a battery-operated lantern or CD player or even for your flashlights or battery-operated fan. Make sure you check to see which kind of batteries you need so that you don't bring the wrong ones. And make sure you bring enough of them to last you for the duration of your camping trip.

Item #5:

First Aid Kit:

You should never forget to bring a first aid kit to a camping trip because you never know what will happen. Remember that you are in the woods in the middle of nowhere and if someone falls down and splits their knee open or something, no matter how severe, you will need to have the items needed for cleaning it out and getting it covered if that's what it needs. You don't want anyone to get any infections. I would recommend you get a first aid kit that has a burn kit in it as well in case someone gets burned by the fire. Burns need to be treated differently than cuts and scrapes.


Extra Food and Beverages:

You never know how hungry people are going to get. If you really are in the middle of nowhere and don't have access to a store, it's a good idea to bring some extra food that does not require refrigeration or freezing. You don't know if you're going to have enough ice or ice packs available to keep food cold and safe to eat. So bring plenty of snacks and things that can be left at room temperature and still be fine.

Item #7:

Extra Blankets:

There have been times that I have gone camping and ended up huddled up with all the other people in my tent because it got colder at night more so than I had expected. The weather man is not God and doesn't know exactly how cold it will get. He can always be wrong and has been before. So bring some extra blankets in case the temperature drops significantly at night. You don't want to end up freezing or uncomfortable and unable to get some sleep.

Item #8:

Extra Clothes:

Camping trips, for the most part, are pretty unpredictable. You really never know what you're going to end up doing. You could end up having a water gun fight, going skinny-dipping in a nearby lake and your clothes get dirty from being on the ground, walking through mud, and changes in the weather like rain, sleet, snow, or anything else. Have the proper clothing and enough of it. More importantly, bring extra socks. I remember so many camping trips where I had to lay my socks next to the fire to dry because I didn't bring enough extra socks. You can never have too many.

Item #9:

An acoustic guitar:

I just feel that this is such an important and memorable part of camping. One of the most sensual things you can do on a camping trip is sit around the campfire with all your friends and family and sing campfire songs. Having an acoustic guitar there to play along is even better. So try to bring someone who knows how to play it. And if no one knows how, bring it anyway and just strum along. No one is going to care.

Item #10:

A Cell Phone:

As I have said throughout this entire article, you never know what's going to happen. So, make sure you have a cell phone that has service in the area you are going to be camping. If something serious happens to someone, the car breaks down, or any other tragedies, you need to be able to contact someone for help.

Camping can be a really great time for everyone
and is one of the most natural recreational ways of living that one can experience. However, it is only fun when you have the necessary items to make it fun. There is always a chance the something unpredictable will happen, and you want to be prepared for that at all times. I hope this list of items will help you be better prepared for your next camping trip.

~Tarah DeSantis~

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As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

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