Maybe it's been a while since you've dated? It's natural to feel nervous
Step one:
It is okay, perfect in fact to practice dating, especially if you have not dated in awhile. Go on as many dates as you can to learn how to date again. Go on- put yourself out there, ask your co-workers to set you up, check out a dating site, and strike up a conversation at a café or the grocery store. Like anything else, practice makes perfect,
Bad dates are good learning opportunities, do not take it personally, there are many reasons why a date was bad,
Falling in love with people too easily is a natural outcome when you're new to dating again, this is where the big caution light comes on- do not confuse loneliness’ with love, and do not settle! .Truly meeting the right person will take time, and you shouldn’t rush it, besides there are lots of benefits to the single life.
When you're thrown in the dating world again it can seem as if you need to hurry
When we're back in the dating world, it can seem refreshing to talk about our previous long-term relationship and the possible causes for its failure. Save it for your trusted friends, they will be sure to give you the straight goods anyway, either validating that you aren't to blame for their previous relationship ending, (what you want to hear), or that you screwed up, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle! Dating is about the new; do not drag the past with you!
Now is the time to rediscover yourself, often in a relationship you get use to the way you
Dating again can be scary, but it can also be fun, it really is about your attitude!
ALWAYS use caution when meeting a new person, meet them, DO NOT have them pick you up or take you home. Double dates are great if you are uncomfortable
Next month:
Advice on how to spot if someone is not who or what they seem!
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As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.
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