Pennies - Quotes

Campers: Nature's way of feeding mosquitoes.

~Author Unknown~

Camping: nature's way of promoting the motel industry.

~Dave Barry, Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need~

Is that weird, taking my Louis Vuitton bag camping?

~Jessica Simpson~

Have you heard?

We'll go camping along the river…no-no- there are rarely any bugs this time of year...

I'm sure that's not poison ivy…

Just one more hill to climb, it's all flat from here…

I know the drought has a ban on open fires, but this is a campground, I'm sure we'll be ok…

Who brought the bug repellent?
I thought you packed the toilet paper…

Nope, never took it out of the box. But, the salesperson said this tent was super easy to set up; even in windy conditions...
You'll be ok... it doesn't look that bad...
Shhhhh!! Did you all hear THAT??
I'm sure these mushrooms are edible...
Snakes? Naw... not to worry... never ever saw one here…


© Copyright, 2010 Main Street Magazine/Rain Enterprises

As seen in the May Issue of Main Street Magazine.

Printed in Canada, ISSN: 1920-4299 by Rain Enterprises

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