Rita Berkowitz
Publisher: Alpha
Interviewed By: Donna Gray
I visited Rita Berkowitz, Psychic Medium, and author of "The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits", at her office at First Spiritual Church of Quincy, MA, where she is a Pastor. A commissioned healer who holds a Master of Science degree in psychological counseling, Rita has the ability to see, speak to, and DRAW our guides, and our loved one’s who have died. Taking a stroll through Rita’s album of spirit drawings, one gets the sense that this lady is blessed with a talent that takes spirit connection to the next level. The fact that she is an excellent artist combined with her gifts/communication skills, help to define the way she helps people to be in touch with their loved ones who have passed on.
Rita had early evidence that she was supposed to be more than a painter. Feeling like she was being pulled to use her gifts, her interest grew stronger after a chance meeting at a winter celebration at a Spiritualist Church. She then traded entry into a psychic development class for a class in painting. The psychic development class helped her to develop her gifts and she began to know she was on the right path to her life's mission. Rita studied at the acclaimed Arthur Findley College in England, a fact she's very proud of. More and more she knew she was to follow the path of showing people their loved ones are still here.
When asked if there’s a waiting period, a time limit, after losing a loved one, before one should seek the help of a medium, she answered, “If someone has moved to a new home, don’t you give them time to get settled?” This made perfect sense and verified some of the lessons I found in her book, which could be described as a “good learning tool” for those looking for “guidance and assistance from family and friends who have crossed to the other side.” Rita reminded me several times that having an open mind, and being open to spirit connection, is extremely important in the search for the love connection that never dies.
Asked how she takes care of herself in light of the way spirit channels through her, and the pull on her energies, she replied that she lives a healthy life style and believes in natural medicine. Rita says, “Talking to spirit is not draining. It’s energizing. I’m not tired, I’m wired,”
This humble reviewer can testify to being totally “wired” when the visit ended, can’t wait to read Rita’s next book “Empowering Your Life With Angels”, and will be making occasional visits to her web site www.thespiritartist.com.
Books: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Communicating with Spirits