Just a moment
~claps hands like an excited child~
One year!
Welcome to our one year anniversary issue of MSM. The time has flown so quickly, we have had so much fun, that it is hard to believe that a year has passed.
This month we welcome to our team Rosemary Peters, who is taking over the Karma-Vore column each month, and Chris Reynolds our new editor. I know you will love the tongue-in-cheek humour that Rosemary brings as well as the delicious recipes. Chris’ first assignment as editor this month was interviewing a hard-nose executive type-, okay so not so hard nosed, and not very corporate at all- but challenging all the same- she interviewed me- Founder of MSM.
We welcome Author Jennifer Rardin, creator of the Jaz Park Series, and explore Goddess Athena in Ancient Mystic. Peter Davis finishes off his three part column in Healthy Relationships and the Chef of Merit column welcomes The Beacher CafĂ©’s Jason Stoner.
Of course all of your favourites are here, Main Street Music Scene, That’s The Spirit, Fashion Sense, Quick Tips and of course Judi’s worldly insights in Thoughts From an Empty Mind and so many more!
In closing, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to some pretty special people. 1. You- the reader. Without you we are just another magazine in a sea of paper rags, but you have made us special, your support and loyalty are appreciated. ~A thousand thank yous! ~
2. The MSM team. Your insight, creative expressions and wonderful gift of words adds so much to MSM each month, I appreciate your dedication, your support and putting up with me ~giggles~
As always…kick back…relax…and enjoy
With love ~Tilly Rivers~
As seen in the April Issue of MSM
Copyright Main Street Magazine
Canaidan ISSN: 1920-4299
For your FREE copy of MSM go to www.mainstreetmagazine.net