
There’s a legend that’s been spoken of
’Bout a fat ole cat called Ichabod end a mouse named Lilly- Mime
For Lilly was a mimic born – possessed of talent rare
As mischievous as she could be – she just plain didn’t care.
When Ichabod walked a certain way – then Lilly did it too
Exaggerating every step behind him
That should he catch her in the act – he’d surely feel the Lout
And that would be the end of her – of that there was no doubt.
Now, Ichabod did love to snooze on a tree stump big
At times he’d sit
He’d spend long hours in the shade – just lazing time away
He’d pick at this
The stump that housed old Ichabod was home to Lilly – too
'Twas at the bottom that she lived – a hole she’d gnawed anew
Avoiding him at any cost – became her favorite game ’
Tho Lilly knew that neath the bluster – Ichabod was tame.
And now
But catching her was too much work – he’d do it bye
She’d tweak his nose
And then
Some days did pass where nothing happened – peace did seem to reign
As Ichabod slept – our Lilly thought up ways to cause him pain.
On one occasion – she had tied his tail to his hind legs
And on awakening – Ichabod did taste some bitter dregs
He hatched a plot – he thought would work – he’d catch her unaware
And just pretend to be asleep till he felt she was there
And then he’d pounce upon the mouse to teach her a thing or two
And contemplate her for his lunch for it was overdue.
Now Ichabod did get his chance – alas – it came
For as he thought about his scheme – his anger just got spent
What if I squash the little pest – he asked himself one day
Who will I have to haunt me then – who will I find to play?
So Ichabod
She taunted him – he lunged at her – all in the same abode
How long they carried on like this – no one’s left to tell
For at the bottom of it all – they loved each other well.
T’is said that Ichabod
And all that’s left is just a stump to show that they were there
Except that every now
A fat ole cat called Ichabod bounce Lilly on his knee.
Therese Morin
As seen in the April Issue of MSM
Copyright Main Street Magazine
Canadian ISSN: 1920-4299
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